Still from 'They Wait For Us' by George Thomas and Lukas Schrank
19th February 2019: Film Ink (Australia)
“John Kassab: Looking for a Diverse Cinespace” by Dov Kornits
5th March 2015: Audio Media International (UK)
"Interview: John Kassab for King of the Egg Cream" by Matthew Fellows
January 2014: Journal of Sonic Studies (Vol 6; The Netherlands)
"Tuned in and Hands On: Sound Designers Beyond Technical Expertise" by Isabelle Delmotte
July 2013: Screen Sound Journal (Vol 3; Australia)
"Subtle Idiosyncracys: Sound and Music in the Australian Animated Short Film The Lost Thing (2010)" by Rebecca Coyle, Jon Fitzgerald and Philip Hayward
20th March 2012: Motionographer (USA)
"John Kassab: Childhood of a Circle, et al." by Matt Hunter Ross
December 2011: Screen Education (Issue 64; Australia)
"Lost Thing, Found Sounds: Sound Designer John Kassab Talks About Moving from Theory to Practice" by Kate Harper
7th November 2011: (Columbia)
"'Cabbit', Exclusive Interview with Sound Designer John Kassab" by Miguel Isaza
14th September 2011: iThentic (Canada)
"Commentary: The Sound of The Lost Thing" edited by Chris Heron
16th June 2011: Audio Media Magazine (UK)
"Final Cut: The Lost Thing" by David Mackenzie
2nd May 2011: SoundWorks Collection (USA)
"The Sound of 'The Lost Thing'" behind the scenes video by Michael Coleman
30th March 2011: Screen Hub (Australia)
"John Kassab: Please, Not So Quiet On Set" by Anne Richey
28th March 2011: (Columbia)
"'The Lost Thing', Exclusive Interview with Sound Designer John Kassab" by Miguel Isaza